Software Licences and Prices
Chartwell-Yorke Ltd 114 High Street, Belmont, Bolton, Lancashire, BL7 8AL England
Tel (+44) (0)1204 811001, fax(+44) (0)1204 811008,

See online shop at

All prices exclusive of vat at 20%.

How to Order

Orders and enquiries are welcomed at the address above either by phone, post, fax or email, or order online at Despatch is normally same day for telephoned orders or next day otherwise! Prices are detailed below and on our downloadable Order Form.

If you'd like to place an order from a school, college or university, please provide an official order number if your institution requires you to do so, or the name of your bursar to check with. We are happy to supply educational institutions with goods together with a 30-day invoice. Personal and overseas customers should send payment with order. You may like to use Visa, Mastercard, American Express or a bank transfer, or Sterling cheque payable to "Chartwell-Yorke Ltd". As an alternative to the online shop, or for upgrade orders, you can order by phone, fax, email or post at the address above.

Cabri Geometry II Plus........................................ [back to top]
Single User £90 + vat for permanent licence BUY ONLINE
or Single User 1 Year £23 + vat
10 users £250 + vat
Site Licence £499 + vat for permanent licence or alternatively £150 + vat per year.
Site + Students at home: £860 + vat for permanent licence or £225 + vat per year.

Cabri 3D version 2
Single User £68 + vat BUY ONLINE
or Single User 1 Year £23 + vat.

Cabri 3D version 2 and Cabri Geometry II Plus BUNDLE
Single User £145 + vat for permanent licence or £45 + vat per year.

Developing Number 2: Single User £70 + vat, Site £195 + vat BUY ONLINE

FX Draw Tools (Formerly called 'FX MathPack' comprising of FX Draw and subsidiary productivity tools FX Equation, FX Graph & FX Stat) ........................ [back to top]
Available by annual subscription including upgrades.
FX Draw Tools Subscription Single User Licence: £40 per year including upgrades.
FX Draw Tools Subscription School Site Licence (200-999 on roll) £175 + vat per year including upgrades and staff home use
FX Draw Tools Subscription School Site Licence (1000+ on roll) £220   + vat per year including upgrades and staff home use
FX Draw Tools Subscription 'Distribution School Site Licence' (200-999 on roll) £315 + vat per year including staff and student home use
FX Draw Tools Subscription 'Distribution School Site Licence' (1000+ on roll) £400 + vat per year including staff and student home use

FX Science Tools (Formerly called 'FX SciencePack' comprising FX Chem, FX ChemStruct, FX Equation) ........................ [back to top]
Available by annual subscription including upgrades.
FX Science Tools Personal Use Annual Subscription £25 + vat per year BUY ONLINE
FX Science Tools Site Annual Subscription (200-999 on roll) £110 + vat per year
FX Science Tools Site Annual Subscription (1000+ on roll) £140 + vat per year BUY ONLINE
FX Science Tools Site Distribution Annual Subscription (200-999 on roll with Extended/VLE access) £195 + vat per year BUY ONLINE
FX Science Tools Site Distribution Annual Subscription (1000+ on roll with Extended/VLE access) £245 + vat per year BUY ONLINE

Contact Chartwell-Yorke to place your order. Tel 01204 811001,

MathType: Mathematical equation editor for Windows and Macintosh. Single user £47 + vat (or £38 + vat academic price). Buy Online - upgrades, departmental or site licences available. Full details. BUY ONLINE

MathsNet Online GCSE, A-Level, IB, etc Mathematics Tuition, Revision and Testing BUY ONLINE
Single User Subscription £20 + vat
Home Tutor Subscription (2 users) £30 + vat

Institution Subscription £200 + vat

Teach A Level Maths Powerpoint presentations. BUY ONLINE
Volume 1 2017 Syllabi (AS) Single User £39 + vat
Volume 1 2017 Syllabi (AS) Site Licence £150 + vat
Volume 1 2017 Syllabi (AS) Extended Site Licence £249 + vat
Volume 2 2017 Syllabi (A2) Single User £39 + vat
Volume 2 2017 Syllabi (A2) Site Licence £150 + vat
Volume 2 2017 Syllabi (A2) Extended Site Licence £249 + vat

TI-Nspire CX Premium Teacher Software Annual subscription.
Single User Subscription £29 + vat. BUY ONLINE

Chartwell-Yorke Home Page
to help you get the most out of the above software [back to top]

Prices correct at 9 January 2025. Prices may change without notice.